At MBD, rock and quarry operations form the cornerstone of our business. We manage and operate multiple rock quarries across the West Coast region, where we produce high-quality granite rock renowned for its strength and durability. This granite is especially valued for river protection applications, where its robustness ensures long-lasting performance.

Our extensive operations and strategic investments have established us as the leading rock supplier on the West Coast. We proudly serve major clients including Fulton Hogan, NZTA, KiwiRail, and various local councils. Our competitive edge stems from our substantial investment in quarry infrastructure and our ability to meet the high demand and diverse needs of our clients through a well-managed supply chain. Our prominent market position reflects our industry leadership and our commitment to delivering premium materials that set market standards.

We have earned the respect of local supervising authorities such as the West Coast Regional Council, Environment Canterbury Regional Council, and the Department of Conservation. We rigorously adhere to all relevant conditions, including permits, licenses, consents, health and safety regulations, and mining plans. Our operations are conducted with meticulous attention to environmental impact, ensuring that we comply with all regulations while extracting rock and managing quarry activities.

Our quarries are managed by a team of highly skilled professionals, including seven A-Grade Quarry Managers holding current Certificates of Competence. Their extensive expertise in blasting and rock extraction is crucial to our success.