January – March 2024
The rehabilitation of 1.6km of Lake Brunner Road involved a range of construction activities aimed at restoring and improving the road’s condition. The work included the excavation and removal of material from the road shoulders and accessways, followed by backfilling with gravel and compacting to ensure a stable foundation. The road surface was then milled and reshaped to improve its alignment and surface profile. Basecourse layer was laid, graded, trimmed, and compacted to provide a strong, even foundation for the application of the two-coat chip seal and road markings.
The contract was originally released in winter 2023; A variation was granted by the client to defer the contract works until the summer of 2024 which better aligned with the subcontractors sealing season.
We used our new 3D GPS technology in the grader to ensure the road was built precisely according to design specifications. This cutting-edge technology allowed us to achieve exceptional accuracy in grading by monitoring real-time data to align the construction with exact engineering plans. By utilizing this technology, we maintained high standards of quality and efficiency throughout the construction process.
The contract was successfully completed within the specified timeframes, adhering to the agreed-upon contract rates and fully meeting the design specifications. One variation to the original contract involved the milling of the road surface, which was proposed to achieve a higher quality finish. The council approved this change, recognizing the benefits it would bring in terms of overall durability and surface quality.